How to create a customized food supplement

Do you want to develop a customized product under your brand? Do you want to stand out with a unique formulation and innovative active ingredients? Our R&D (Research & Development) Department includes a team specializing in formulation and a team dedicated to formula manufacturing. Together, their goal is to develop specific formulas in line with your specifications.

The different stage
involved in creating a customized product

Our teams support you throughout the process of manufacturing your specific product.

1. The specification sheet

The first step involves discussing a precise specification sheet. This allows you to provide an overall framework, then to detail the constraints and characteristics to take into account in order to develop your customized food supplement.

This is when our clients tell us their expectations, and we pass on our know-how. At this point, the brief will be evaluated for its feasibility.

We create our price offers in line with your technical file.

2. Formulation

Our R&D team works on a daily basis to innovate and find new, better-performing, formulations. Innovation is one of our key objectives, and allows Nutra Skills to position itself as one of the experts in the formulation of customized food supplements.

Next comes the product formulation stage. The formula is initially theoretical, developed by an R&D technician specializing in the formulation of foody supplements.
It can then be modified following tests performed by the industrial R&D team.

The formula is proposed in line with the standards and regulations in force, in France and Europe. It is led by our team of experts who strive to offer an effective, quality product that meets your specifications.

Nutra Skills offers you its expertise :

  • in choosing active ingredients and dosages
  • to support your claims
  • to guarantee the food supplement is effective
  • to ensure you select quality raw materials at the best price (targeted objective, FFL, etc.) and in an appropriate form.

3. Sourcing

The sourcing of raw materials involves seeking the best active ingredients for developing an effective food supplement that meets your needs and the specification constraints.

The rigorous selection of ingredients, as well as constant monitoring of new active ingredients on the market, allows us to offer unique and high-quality formulas.  

4. Packaging

Packaging involves choosing the best container for your product. Nutra Skills advises you on your choice, depending on your marketing positioning and your distribution channel.

It may be standard
or more environmentally friendly :

PET or HDPE (plastic), 

polylactic acid (PLA),
a plant-based material made from corn starch, so bio-based and biodegradable

RPET (recycled polyethylene terephthalate),
a plastic material made from 100% recycled PET, primarily sourced from the food and drinks industry

kraft or paperboard

glass, for certain pill containers or bottles




Packaging must of course protect the food supplements from moisture, heat and light. It must also make them easy to transport and store.

The product outer packaging and/or label can be created by our graphic designer, in collaboration with the R&D department.

Nutra Skills makes use of its supplier network to source a variety of containers, lids and packing materials.

The manufacture of your outer packaging or printing of your label is subcontracted to one of the laboratory’s printing partners.

5. Administrative declaration

Next comes the step that involves officially declaring your food supplement to the administrative authorities, prior to launching it on the market.

It is compulsory to submit a declaration to the DGCCRF (the French General Directorate for Competition Policy, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control). Nutra Skills handles these procedures, guaranteeing that products are legal and authorized for marketing.  

6. Production

Once the administrative details are settled, it’s time to manufacture your food supplement according to the definitive formula selected. Transfer to industrial production is managed by the manufacturing lead in collaboration with the industrial R&D team.

The production facility boasts a fleet of very state-of-the-art machinery that constantly evolves for the handling of highly variable product sizes. Nutra skills makes regular investments to support its partners’ projects and guarantee the production capacities required.

7. Packing

The packing of food supplements is the penultimate stage prior to marketing.

We have a large fleet of machines allowing your food supplements to packed in pill containers, blister packs, tubes, sachets, bottles, or pots.

Your customized food supplement is then finished and custom “branded”.

8. Logistics

The final stage is logistics. This involves all the steps relating to the transportation and delivery of your products to your warehouses. The dispatch, delivery and billing of products are handled by the logistics team.


Nutra Skills supports you in developing and formulating your range of customized food supplements. Request your specification sheet template to kick off your project with our expert team.